What Does an SEO Specialist Do?
Getting your product and services to meet the potential audience on the world wide web can be strenuous without mastering SEO (search engine optimization) techniques. SEO specialists are just the people you need! With vast experience in optimization strategies and web development, SEO specialists work hard to provide their clients with high-quality website content and boost search performance for their target audience. The work an SEO specialist does goes beyond content creation, website design and optimization. It is connected to providing companies with the opportunity to create a brand for themselves and gain more recognition and trust in the eyes of a search engine. Let’s discuss what an SEO specialist does.
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SEO Specialist
An SEO specialist is a trained professional in digital marketing who promotes the products and sales of their respective company on search engines like Google to raise their company to the top search results. The unique quality of an SEO career is that it is not a learned college course or university degree, but widely technical based and requires specific skills tailored to digital marketing. The majority of SEO specialists have a degree in related fields, like marketing or information technology. In order to become an SEO specialist, you may need to take on courses such as Brainstation’s Search Engine Optimization Certificate Course. Often, no prerequisites are required to participate in such courses.
How to Become a Successful SEO Specialist
To become a successful SEO specialist, you need to be well versed in three main levels of SEO: technical, on-page SEO and off-page optimization. Technical SEO helps to enhance the mobile-friendliness and user experience of the website as well as polishes the deeper foundations of the website for faster retrieval on the search engine. On-page SEO makes website’s content easy to understand and faster to access with a single click by applying keywords, internal links and meta tags. Off-page optimization helps to link various websites to the company’s website to enhance its validity and reputation.
Interest in Marketing
Being an SEO specialist without a mind for marketing is almost absurd. The reason is that SEO jobs are very similar to other digital marketing jobs as their main focus is drawing clients’ interest in the search engine to the sales and products of a company. One can tell from the term “specialist” that it requires more expertise to pursue an SEO career. To sell a product or service and make it popular enough to be ranked the highest on the search bar, you need to understand how the target audience thinks, how the website has been designed, ways to make something simple become the next big hit on social media, and the core goals and principles of the company to present its best brand.
Excellent Communication
Communication skills are essential in all career fields, but to be a successful SEO specialist, you must have outstanding communication skills. Since an SEO job involves working with various businesses and companies, you must learn how to relay your suggestions to improve their websites in persuasively and convincingly. Not every person will think the same way as you do, so clearly explaining the pros and cons of taking certain measures is invaluable. As an SEO specialist may need to create some content for the site, your writing skills should be impeccable to capture the interests of the target audience.
Constantly Innovative
An SEO specialist needs to have an active mind that continuously thinks of ways to make the website better and brighter. With the ever-evolving nature of technology and search engine algorithms, you must learn to adapt to the changes. You will constantly need to think of innovative ways to maintain the success of a company’s website.
Reasons to Become an SEO Specialist
As a content creator who needs to maneuver the frameworks of search engines, you are inevitable to sharpen your writing skills. Finding the right words for the right audience is not an easy feat. SEO jobs are in demand as they are renowned for maintaining high returns on investments in marketing companies.
Not only does an SEO specialist need to become a master of wordsl, but they must also have a creative eye to design attractive websites. You can utilize the skills learnt in the SEO setting in many fields such as marketing and journalism. SEO allows you to become wiser at serving the right bait for the right kind of fish. Finding target audiences who will benefit from the sales of products produced by the company requires regular communication and interactions with multiple companies.
One of the benefits of being an SEO specialist is that you are automatically on demand upon entering the world of digital marketing. Many business owners who wish for their company’s sales and products to rank higher on search engines require the expertise of an SEO specialist to boost their brand and create strong connections with other key companies. SEO specialist is a win-win job that allows both sides to benefit tremendously.
Day in the Life of an SEO Specialist
As an SEO specialist, you may be serving either an employer of a company or clients. As a result, regular meetings with the employer and clients are paramount to ensure both parties are on the same page. An SEO specialist would need to do quite a bit of research to stay in tune with the current trends and understand the upgrades in the search engine algorithms to provide the best content and links for their assigned company’s website. They would need to love reading and thus invest in browsing articles, blogs, and news forums to stay informed. As expected of any other career, an SEO specialist must spend some time emailing based on the needs and expectations of the company or client.
Career Prospects for an SEO Specialist
From an SEO specialist position, then what’s next?
A wide range of career options are available for an SEO specialist. As it is a multi-faceted job that branches through various specialties such as digital marketing, content creation, website design and optimization, you can choose to progress into any of these fields more professionally. For example, head of digital marketing, SEO manager, or even senior data analyst.
Alternatively, you can train a team in different roles and build your own company. As long as you have acquired the needed skills and experience, the scope of opportunities is limitless. There is no better way to upgrade your skills than through attaining the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements for an SEO career.
Case Studies: How SEO Specialists Made an Impact
Here are some examples of how the SEO professionals at Webmix Networks SEO have helped their clients.
Web Design
An international band named “Soleil Moon Band” needed a better-branded website that was aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly to provide direct access to their albums online for purchase. SEO specialists worked to build a new website that allowed them to upload any content faster and more efficiently. They also helped the band establish a Google Analytics account to help the band analyze what kind of people visited their website and draw their target audience. To improve the user experience of the website, the SEO Specialists created external links to the band’s YouTube channel so that whoever visited their website would be able to listen to their music with the click of a button. Eventually, the band received many amazing benefits including having their optimized WordPress website with connections to their social media and music albums.
Content Creation
In another case study, a yoga studio struggled with a low participation rate due to high competition in their region. To promote their studio, SEO specialists worked on upgrading their online presence. One of the key methods used was adding fresh content on their website that highlighted the services that they offered. Keyword optimization played a key role in building up the number of customers who visited their website. Consequently, the visits to their website grew exponentially by 148% thanks to all the new, popular content added to their website. Not only so, but they were also privileged to be brought up on the Google My Business listing to draw more customers.
Begin Your Career As An SEO Specialist
No matter what level of education or skill you have, an SEO career is attainable. You will need to put in the time and effort to learn basic skills like communication, research, analysis and coding. As it is an equally competitive field as any other digital marketing-related industry, you need to have the mindset of continuously developing and growing in experience. Complacency is a no-go zone. For companies and organizations to trust you with their online presence, you ought to be creative and outstanding in your approach. You also must be convincing enough to show that your idea will bring fruition to their goals.
Whether it is in digital advertising, content creation, web development, analytics, search engine optimization or digital marketing consulting, there are many SEO opportunities available. Webmix Networks SEO is often hiring for positions like a paid search specialist.